The International Smart Grid Action Network (ISGAN)

Launched in July 2010 at the first Clean Energy Ministerial, the International Smart Grid Action Network creates a multilateral mechanism for governments to collaborate with each other and other stakeholders on advancing the development and deployment of smarter electricity grids around the world.

Supported by more than 15 national-level governments, ISGAN focuses on those aspects of smart grid where governments have regulatory authority, expertise, convening power, or other leverage. ISGAN activities cut across five principal areas: policy, standards and regulation; finance and business models; technology and systems development; user and consumer engagement; and workforce skills and knowledge.

ISGAN serves as a government-focused complement to the Global Smart Grid Federation and other international efforts that support the accelerated development and deployment of smart grid technologies. ISGAN Participants have promised to work closely with the Federation on joint public-private projects that capitalize on the strengths of each sector.

For more information on ISGAN, please see